What does it mean to streamline your clinical education management?

Written by CORE Higher Education Group | Feb 22, 2024 2:22:12 PM

Higher education professionals responsible for managing clinical programs are the backbone of ensuring a seamless connection between educational institutions, students, and clinical sites. Their role is crucial in orchestrating the complexities within coordinating clinical placements and ensuring that students have a valuable learning experience.

With the implementation of software, the landscape of clinical education management is poised for a significant transformation. Technology can empower clinical education staff to not only efficiently manage and monitor student placements but also to continuously improve the overall clinical education experience. The adoption of software tools will revolutionize the way clinical programs are managed, making processes more streamlined and data-driven. This shift towards digital solutions will not only enhance efficiency but also reduce the likelihood of errors, creating a unified source of information that benefits students, educators, and clinical sites alike.

While there may be a learning curve with new software adoption, the ultimate goal is to enhance efficiency, reduce the risk of errors, and maintain a unified source of information throughout the student journey. At CORE, we often emphasize the importance of experimenting and practicing with the software to maximize its value.

So, what exactly does it mean to streamline your clinical education management with software?

Efficient clinical placement management

Managing the intricate web of clinical placements for students is a huge task. It’s not uncommon for students to believe that clinical placements can be a biased process when they don’t get the placements they prioritize for themselves.

Technology, specifically clinical placement management systems, have revolutionized this process. Program managers and coordinators can efficiently match students with appropriate clinical sites, considering their specialties, preferences, and the specific requirements of each educational program. They also can randomize this process when needed - both from a placement and scheduling standpoint - to remove bias from the process. This not only saves time but also ensures a more fair experience for students.

Real-time communication and collaboration

Communication gaps between clinical coordinators, faculty, students, and clinical sites are all too common. Software programs alleviate this via their communication platforms. Clinical coordinators disseminate vital information, updates, and placement details in real-time. This not only streamlines the coordination process but also fosters a collaborative environment where all stakeholders are well-informed and connected.

Data-driven decision-making

Technology empowers clinical staff with data-driven insights, allowing them to make informed decisions to enhance the overall efficiency of clinical programs. With reporting capabilities, coordinators can identify trends, address potential issues proactively, and continuously improve the quality of clinical education. Reporting also becomes a vital function during accreditation processes. We’ll touch on that next! 

Enhanced compliance and accreditation management

The experts managing clinical programs often grapple with the complex landscape of compliance and accreditation standards. Software today provides tools that automate documentation, track compliance deadlines, and generate reports for accreditation purposes. 
This ensures that clinical programs consistently meet regulatory requirements, lessening the burden on staff and ensuring ongoing accreditation.

Simplified administrative tasks

Administrative tasks, such as paperwork, scheduling, and record-keeping, are time-consuming for clinical staff. The adoption of technology automates these processes, reducing administrative burdens. 
Experiential learning management systems like CORE’s (ELMS) and other software solutions help streamline paperwork, allowing coordinators to focus more on strategic aspects of program management rather than getting bogged down by manual administrative tasks.

Streamline use case: Ball State University School of Nursing

Like many clinical programs, the Nursing Programs at Ball State University had a complicated workflow for fielding preceptor verification requests and student placements. The process involved several stakeholders including coordinators, instructors, and administrative staff. Before using CORE's ELMS solution, they were using a pen and paper system.

Naturally, these processes were tedious when done with paper correspondence. 

Ball State University School of Nursing currently uses ELMS for its MS and RN to BSN programs. They let students find and propose new clinical sites if a desired site is not working with the program already, through a feature called Site Prospector. The School of Nursing relies on CORE's API connections and integration capabilities to get information into one central location - including schedules, student requirements, and user accounts. This removed the tedious manual processes for proposing and approving sites for students.

With CORE's workflow automation, individual administrative users get notified for each step they're responsible for in the workflow. This helps move the workflow along in an efficient manner and gives visibility of the entire process to the assigned users. 

This is exactly how software can and should streamline an administrative process. Site Prospector is one of many scheduling features within CORE’s ELMS that helps clinical programs in higher education create a more seamless experience for students and staff.